Make GWAR action figures and a GWAR video game

  • por: Quincey Morris
  • destinatário: Bandai, Funko, EA Games, and Blue Fang Games

We've seen GWAR T-Shirts put out, we've seen a GWAR cartoon put out, we've even seen mini GWAR statues put out, but I think the time has come for GWAR action figures and a GWAR video game to be put out. It's always been my dream to see figures of the members of GWAR in stores. These can range from vinyl figures to articulated figures, maybe even plushes and mini-figures. It's also been a dream of mine to be able to play a GWAR game on my GameCube and on my computer. It'd be a dream come true to be able to play as the members of GWAR in a game, kicking all sorts of ass and such. Bottomline, the Scumdogs of the Universe deserve only the best merchandise.

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