Enforce The Law To Protect Orangutans In Indonesia

  • por: Maria Romano
  • destinatário: The Indonesian President, Mr Susilo Bambang Yudoyonho and the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry
Without law enforcement the orangutans of Indonesia will continue to be slaughtered en masse.  Without law enforcement the orangutans will continue to be sold in the illegal pet trade.

Please leave a comment and tell the Indonesian President, Mr Susilo Bambang Yudoyonho and the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry that it's now time to enforce the law to protect orangutans and commence prosecuting those individuals or companies who commit crimes against the orangutans who are an endangered species.

"Genocide is an emotive word, but this appears to be the unwritten policy of the Indonesian government; 125,000 legally protected orangutans killed or captured and sold into the illegal wildlife trade over the last forty years without a single prosecution, says it all." - Sean Whyte, author of The Ape Crusaders.
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