Demand justice for horse dragged to death!

  • por: Christopher McFadden
  • destinatário: Arlington, WA authorities in conjunction with Pasado's Safe Haven.

A horse was killed because of a callous and negligent driver who failed to realize she was dragging her horse behind her trailer.  This poor horse suffered for over 2 miles!  Passing motorists, swerving to avoid the horse, tried to alert the girl but she just kept driving.  Finally, when she did stop, her emotionless reply was, "my horse fell out of the trailer"..... 
This happened on a Saturday evening and the girl just left the dead horse on the side of the road until county workers picked it up the following Monday morning! 
Justice must be served and some sort of charges brought against the young woman who acted so irresponsibly.  I hope you will take the time to read the attached article and sign this petition, as well as forward it along.
Thank you.

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