Preserve our native biodiversity!

    The Rio Grande Valley is home to an abundance of species that can't be found anywhere else in the United States. These species call the Rio Grande Valley their home, and it is up to us to help safeguard it for future generations. Texas LNG has proposed to build a Liquid Natural Gas facility along the ship channel which leads directly into the Gulf of Mexico.

    Not only does this facility stand to cause irreversible damage to the Gulf, and release methane through nearly every step of it’s process, but it is also being built on endangered wetland habitat, adjacent to the Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge which is home to Texas Tortoises, Texas Horned Lizards, Ocelots, Indigo Snakes, Roseate Spoonbills,Green Jays and a unique habitat called the Tamaulipan mezquital or Tamaulipan Thorn-Scrub habitat which is difficult to restore after it has been removed from an area.

    These unique and endemic habitats deserve to be safeguarded from man made environmental threats, so that others can enjoy the same valley that we have been so fortunate to enjoy for ourselves.
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