This dog was poisoned and killed in a university in Malaysia for just wandering around in campus. RI

  • por: Fred Amata
  • destinatário: Universiti Teknologi Petronas(UTP)

There is a clear notice in the school notice board that pets are not allowed in the school hostels. However cats have been in existent ever since such notice was given. In the mean time some dogs used to come to the school cafeteria to eat likewise the cats.With such some Muslims feel irritated and complained to the school management, they call in the govt agency in charge of hauling stray dogs if i should put that way, many of this dogs have been shot on broad day light or at night.

The most recent is a female dog that is only looking for remnant from the cafe, the Muslims guys still felt a need to send the dog to his early grave because they consider the dog unclean. They reported to the masjid committee which gave out a memo regarding why Islam like and dislike dogs. But they didn't mention about the cats which is also a pet and against the law of the school.

Within a week the dog was poison by the school management authorization. And the dogs was put in a plastic bag and thrown away. This should how wicked the school management is to dogs and kind to cats.

Please let alert relevant body to know about this unethical act .

Here is a link from 9gag

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