• por: Olivera Kec
  • destinatário: Snjezana Rajlic, nacelnica opstine Novi Grad email nacelnik

Niz godina grad potresa monstruozno hvatanje ulicnih pasa, odvodjenje van grada i ubijanje. Sve je djelo jednog covjeka, Darka Bajica. Gradjani su potreseni, djeca ocajna. Sve su to ulicni psi, hranjeni i pazeni od stanovnika grada. U gradu operira i par istinskih ljubitelja zivotinja. Njihov trud i rad je nagradjen zadovoljnim mahanjem repica. Dok se jedni bore za zivotinje, drugi hladnokrvno ubijaju.

Darko Bajic je clan lovackog drustva "Fazan" iz Novog Grada. Ko je ovlastio Darka Bajica da skuplja pse na ulicama grada i da ih ubija? Da li je predsjednik drustva upoznat sa njegovim aktivnostima? Da li nacelnica zna sta se desava u gradu, ili je veoma dobro upoznata?

Prijatelji, ovim putem vas molim da pomognete u sprecavanju masakra nad neduznim bicima.

For many years, the city of monstrous earthquake capture of street dogs, taking those out of the city and killing. All the work of one man, Darko Bajic. The people are shaken, children miserable. These are all the Street Dogs, fed and looked after by the residents of the city. The city operates a pair of true animal lovers. Their hard work is rewarded and satisfied waving rape. While some struggle to animals, others are killed in cold blood. Darko Bajic is a member of a hunting society "Pheasant" from the New City. Who is authorized to collect Darko Bajic dogs on the streets and it's killing them? Does the president of the Society familiar with his activities? Do mayors know what is happening in town, or very well informed? Friends, I hereby ask you to help in preventing the massacre of innocent beings.

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