Demand Wegmans stop using destructive palm oil!

Palm oil and palm kernal oil are destroying the delicate rain forest and orangutan habitats.

As noted on Wikipedia:

"The use of palm oil in food products has attracted the concern of environmental activist groups; the high oil yield of the trees has encouraged wider cultivation, leading to the clearing of forests in parts of Indonesia to make space for oil-palm monoculture. This has resulted in significant acreage losses of the natural habitat of the three surviving species of orangutan.

One species in particular, the Sumatran orangutan, has been listed as critically endangered. In 2004, an industry group called the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil was formed to work with the palm oil industry to address these concerns. Additionally, in 1992, in response to concerns about deforestation, the Government of Malaysia pledged to limit the expansion of palm oil plantations by retaining a minimum of half the nation's land as forest cover.

In March 2017, a documentary made by Deutsche Welle revealed that palm oil is used to make milk substitutes to feed calves in dairies in the German alps. These milk substitutes contain 30 percent milk powder and the remainder of raw protein made from skimmed milk powder, whey powder, and vegetable fats, mostly coconut oil and palm oil."

Coconut oil and cocoa butter are suitable substitutes. So is sustainable palm oil.

Wegmans has amazing products and does a great job at being conscious of these issues. Let's make them aware of this issue so they can continue to be the best supermarket around! Sign this petition to tell them to stop using destructive palm oil!

Thank you for caring! 

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