Peru stop killing Dolphins and using them for Shark bait

  • por: Nadia Bonner
  • destinatário: Gladys Triveno Ministrade la Produccion Lima Peru

Because it a insensible and cruel way to used this intelligent animals for profit they should protect not slaughter. In Peru is illegal to fish Dolphins and they are killing at an increideble about 5,000 to15,000 a year .Also the killing of sharks for human comption has increase to alarming numbers please help to make sure the law is enforced to the point that people who sell or buy either dolphins or shark meat get punish accordinly.

Atualização #111 anos atrás
The government in Peru is starting to react but they are not taking enough action please sign the petition tell your make the government in Peru responsible for this slaughter of this precious animals they should feel embarrassed and ashamed so maybe then they will do something to stop this.Thank you for caring Nadia
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