Stop Plans for Crocodile Trophy Hunt

Australia is considering trophy hunting of salt water crocodiles. An additional 50 crocodiles would be available for safari hunting under the Crocodile Management Plan; Northern Territory Chief Minister Paul Henderson believes this will create employment and stimulate tourism.


500 adults are already allocated in the annual sustainable harvest quota under an existing management programme.


Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals says it would take precision and skill to kill a crocodile humanely. First time safari hunters would not possess the skill to humanely kill a crocodile required by the Animal Welfare Act.


Tell Environment Minister Tony Burke that killing animals for entertainment is unacceptable and without justification as it holds no conservation benefit to the salt water crocodile which has been protected in Australia since the 1970's.


Environment Minister Tony Burke

Ministrial Office
PO Box 6022
Parliament House
Canberra, ACT 2600
Phone: (02) 6277 7640
Fax: (02) 6273 6101


Australia is considering trophy hunting of salt water crocodiles. An additional 50 crocodiles would be available for safari hunting under the Crocodile Management Plan; Northern Territory Chief Minister Paul Henderson believes this will create employment and stimulate tourism.


500 adults are already allocated in the annual sustainable harvest quota under an existing management programme.


Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals says it would take precision and skill to kill a crocodile humanely. First time safari hunters would not possess the skill to humanely kill a crocodile required by the Animal Welfare Act.


Tell Environment Minister Tony Burke that killing animals for entertainment is unacceptable and without justification as it holds no conservation benefit to the salt water crocodile which has been protected in Australia since the 1970's.

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