Stop shark finning in the UK & EU!

  • por: Shark Aid UK
  • destinatário: Fisheries European Commission & DEFRA

100 million sharks are being killed every year!
(estimated on average)

Some once abundant species are now endangered because of overfishing, longlining, by-catch from nets and the sale, trade, use and distribution of shark fins. This has had a hugely negative impact on shark populations!

Progress has been made; an EU ban of finning at sea and protection of some species (CITES), But it still continues, and illegally, even with the new policies in place. We want a total ban within this region.

The shark 'product' holds no nutritional value and has high levels of mercury which is harmful to humans. Yet at weddings and restaurants around the world it continues to sell for a lot of money for it's status and 'power'.


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