The Dakota Access pipeline is relying on "eminent domain" and the use of easements through territory that was actually never ceded by the Sioux Nation since the treaty of Fort Laramie (see petition letter).

As pipeline construction continues, the bulldozing of Sioux burial grounds has gone unpunished, in violation of the treaty with the Sioux Nation, while construction has continued unabated, ignoring The Army Corps of Engineers' call for a review. 

We ask the Department of Justice to publicly acknowledge that part of the territory through which the Dakota Access Pipeline is being constrcted be recognized as Sioux sacred land and that both the construction itself and the massive militarized police presence, conducting a brutal and systematic campaign of terror against water protectors, be immediately named illegal.

Read our letter to the DOJ and please write your own! Mni Wiconi!

Check this UN expert's report and note the word "unceded"!
Check out present violations of the treaty by reading its articles
More details on the treaty here: 
Hear Dallas Goldtooth's mention of the treaty.

To the Department of Justice,
To whom it may concern (and it concerns ALL of us):
The signees of this petition request that you publicly and vehemently uphold the 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty that acknowledges Sioux Nation territory (now being trespassed upon by both the Dakota Access Pipeline construction and an unprecedented and unnecessary militarized police presence, consisting of out of state agencies, in violation of the intended use of EMAC), as "unceded". (viz: relevant section of Article XVI of said treaty, "The United States hereby agrees and stipulates that the country north of the North Platte river and east of the summits of the Big Horn mountains shall be held and considered to be unceded. Indian territory, and also stipulates and agrees that no white person or persons shall be permitted to settle upon or occupy any portion of the same; or without the consent of the Indians, first had and obtained, to pass through the same...")
This land is where sacred burial grounds have been desecrated as a result of this illegal construction.
Let us for once see justice prevail for First Nation people.

Atualização #28 anos atrás
Permit Denied!
The Army Corps has rejected the DAPL permit to cross the Missouri River - a huge win for Standing Rock Sioux Water Protectors and allies! Energy Transfer Partners, however, have announced that they are going forward with the pipeline as planned, ILLEGALLY. - keep posting #NoDAPL and share this image on FB!
Atualização #18 anos atrás
We are 59 signatures short of 7,000. That's great but we need many more to convince the government we're serious. Those of you who signed early, please read the petition again. Target is now the DOJ, since the Supreme Court cannot answer petitions not involving an ongoing case.
Quite honestly, I get a little choked up when I read your comments, so thank you all and please continue to share the link. Mni-Wiconi - Water is Life! Richard
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