• por: Edward Lin
  • destinatário: Petition the City Council and Mayor of New York City for the residence of the Five Boroughs., New York City, NY

The Buddhist Council of New York asks that the Office of the Mayor of New York City and New York City Council designate that the Buddhist holiday of Vesak, Buddha's Birthday on the full moon day of month of May, be observed as a holiday within the five boroughs of New York.

The Vesak Day is celebrated by Buddhists worldwide.  Celebrating this day also means making special efforts to bring reduce the suffering of those sentient beings who are less fortunate.  We want to bring awareness to everyone.  Please join us to ask the City of New York to make this an official holiday.

Note: If you are a leader of your community, please let us know your organization and title.  You can provide that information on the comment section of the petition or directly at New York Buddhist Council's contact site:

Dear friends,

The Buddhist Council of New York asks that the Office of the Mayor of New York City and New York City Council designate that the Buddhist holiday of Vesak, Buddha's Birthday on the full moon day of month of May, be observed as a holiday within the five boroughs of New York. 

Buddhist and non-Buddhist are all welcome.  We need your support by signing our petition!  

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