When Officials Finally Arrived, One of the Horses Was Being Eaten by a Neglected Dog

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Chicago PD, Chicago Animal Care and Control

For more than half a year, residents of Englewood, Chicago had been calling Chicago Animal Care and Control. They told officials about what seemed to be abused horses on a nearby property. But every time animal control arrived on the scene to investigate, there were no horses to be found. 

But this time, when officers came back, the horses were there. Tragically, one was dead, and the other was severely injured. There was also a report of a Rottweiler devouring the remains of the horse that had died. 

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The horses' owner told authorities that he had brought them from his farm in Indiana because one was ill. But if your animal is sick, you take it to the vet, and if it is too sick you can compassionately euthanize it. You don't bring it to the middle of the city and just hope it gets better. 

The city has investigated and decided there was not animal abuse in this case. But that raises some questions about how Chicago defines abuse. Chicagoans are legally allowed to have animals in the city if they have a permit and are cared for properly. There is a ressurgence of urban farming in this part of Chicago and that's all well and good as long as the animals are being cared for appropriately and their presence doesn't harm people in the city.

But these horses these horses were housed in what amounts to a lean-to during weeks when temperatures dipped below zero degrees. A horse was so sick that it should have been mercifully put to sleep obviously couldn't handle exposure to such temperatures - it died and a dog ate its body!

It's clear the standards for caring for animals in Chicago must be raised. Sign on to demand better laws protecting animals in Chicago!


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