Canada: Stop Killing Seals! "A Mari Usque Ad Mare" ("From Sea to Sea")

Sealers in 2011 killed 37,609 seal pups (official count.) This includes over 1,700 ragged jackets (molting seals under 3 weeks old).

Thus the number of seal pups killed this year is expected to total about 8% of the quota.

Each year, the Canadian government gives hunters the green light to bludgeon to death hundreds of thousands of baby harp seals. During the slaughter, baby seals are shot or repeatedly clubbed. Sealers bludgeon the animals with clubs and “hakapiks” (metal-hook–tipped clubs) and drag the seals—who are often still conscious—across the ice floes with boat hooks.

"Despite the EU ban on seal products in 2009 and public outcry from around the globe Canada’s government is still trying to convince people that their barbaric and inhumane hunt is necessary, all while spending tax-payer dollars on diligently trying to find new markets for seal products, rather than working to transition the few thousand sealers into a more stable industry." (

Hunters toss dead and dying seals into heaps and leave their carcasses to rot on the ice floes because there is no market for seal meat.

Baby seals are helpless and have no way to escape from the sealers’ clubs

Many seals who are killed are 3 months old or younger. Many have not yet learned how to swim or eaten their first solid meals.

Please tell everyone you know about Canada’s cruel slaughter of baby seals and urge them to sign this petition in order to make the Canadian government to take actions for an immediate end to this cruel slaughter.

Thank you!

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