Investigate Hawaiian Lawmaker for Destroying Homeless People's Possessions

Democratic state representative Tom Brower has taken a radical approach to solve homelessness: he roams the streets looking for shopping carts homeless people use to transport their possessions and destroys them with a sledgehammer.

Brower has not explained how his violent actions will reduce homelessness in any way. It seems it would only discourage and agitate the homeless, and increase theft. Furthermore, some homeless use carts to perform useful jobs, such as collecting recyclables. According to Mental Health America of Hawaii Executive Director Martha Grambs, "His message to the public is that it's okay to commit acts of violence against homeless people, against vulnerable people."

Brower's destructive actions are mean-spirited and resolve nothing. Please sign the petition to urge the Hawaiian government to investigate Brower and stop him from further misguided vigilante actions.

As you may know, state representative Tom Brower has been destroying homeless people's shopping carts and the possessions inside with a sledgehammer in an attempt to curb the homelessness problem.

Brower has not explained how his violent actions will reduce homelessness in any way. We believe it would only discourage and agitate the homeless, and increase theft (to replace the belongings Brower destroys). Furthermore, some homeless use carts to perform useful jobs, such as collecting recyclables. According to Mental Health America of Hawaii Executive Director Martha Grambs, "His message to the public is that it's okay to commit acts of violence against homeless people, against vulnerable people."

Brower's destructive actions are mean-spirited and resolve nothing. We respectfully urge you to investigate Brower and stop him from further misguided vigilante actions. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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