Locking Animals in Gestational and Veal Crates Is Cruel. The U.S. Must Ban This Practice Now!

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack
New Jersey just became the 10th U.S. state to ban gestation crates as well as the 10th state to ban veal crates! This is a massive victory for animal rights, and it is time that the United States government finally steps up and adopts similar legislation at the federal level.

Sign now to demand that U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack immediately develops new regulations that outlaw gestation and veal crates!

The meat industry is fueled by mother pigs and baby cows living in torturous confinement, completely devoid of movement. Gestation crates contain no bedding and usually just slats of uncomfortable plastic or cold metal.

Not only can a sow living in such a tragically small environment not turn around, she doesn't even have room to lay down on her side. On top of that, farmers forcibly impregnate the sows over and over again against their will - ensuring that she produces more meat in the form of babies.

Adult pigs and calves are social animals that naturally seek the companionship of others, enjoy exploring their environments, and engage in playful behavior together. But these restrictive, tiny cages prevent any of that. The barrenness of these conditions leads to psychological distress and suffering.

There is no reason for any animal to endure the torture of being unconsensually impregnated and then not even being allowed to move or sleep in all the ways that feel comfortable.

State bans are a great start - but we can't wait for the remaining forty states to take action on such massive-scale animal abuse. It is time the United States Department of Agriculture, headed by Tom Vilsack, formally outlaw gestation and veal crates at the federal level! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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