C.A.T.S. Companion Animals Treatment and Sterilization

To create a Federal & Global Law to require cat owner to register their cats, to get them Spayed/Neutered, Vaccinated, & Microchiped! Require Veterinarians to provide a FLAT rate to cat owners so they can financially meet these requirements, & for qualified individuals to receive financial assistance! For required implementation of TNR (Trap Neuter Release) Programs to be in every state, & city, & eventually Globally! For Animal Control officials to be better trained & to enforce this requirement! To end the needless suffering of cats & kittens, & for more responsible cat owners be brought forth! For Pet Owners be allowed to keep their companion animals with them in shelters! Those who are victims of Natural, Manmade Disasters, & those who are victims of Domestic Violence! To keep Companion Animals out of the hands of Violent Offenders, The Elements, Starvation, & Disease!!! Also for a Federal Requirement for Insurance companies to Offer "Pet Insurance"! The Same Medical Coverage for Medical, Emergency, & Medications, & the Requirement for Veterinarians to Accept Medical Insurance in the same way as Human Doctors accept Insurance for children! For this option to be "OFFERED" to policyholders! Also, To Implement a Federal Ban on Declawing Cats! Anyone who fails to comply w/ the mandate, will be required to pay the fine by DONATING the funds to a local Animal Shelter or Charity! Until such time that they comply w/ the mandate!

Atualização #1cerca de um ano atrás
To ALL the Wonderful Individuals who have signed my petition, THANK YOU!!! From both myself & ALL the Beautiful Companion Animals who depend on people like us!!! PLEASE SHARE THIS PETITION WITH FAMILY & FRIENDS!!! For Cats & Kittens!!!???????
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