Contact family members when pets are involved in car accident

My son was involved in a severe rollover car accident at the base of a mountain- unconscious, he was life flighted out...forestry department told a passerby to "leave the animals for animal control".....NO ONE  EVER CALLED ME....our two dogs were left in the desert to die- rottweiler hit by another car 4 hours after accident, at the accident site,,,16 days later she is still missing....Our puppy was wandering down the middle of the highway a mile one picked her up....she was found 6 days later in the desert, by two small children....If it was your animal wouldn't you want to know? Pretty sad that children will do the right thing when adults fail to....My son had given highway patrol my phone number in a moment of clarity at the accident one ever called me. We need to change the way things are done...they had my car, contact info, child and animals....why didn't anyone make a simple phone call?

Dear Govenor- For every person that owns a car and drives- please realize that highway patrol and hospitals will not contact next of kin if you are in an accident, and if you have a pet in the car- it will be left behind unless the laws are changed to make them take action. An ICE (In case of emergency) contact in the vehicle registration will go a long way in PR for the highway patrol,,,as well as helping families in a time of crisis. Please do not let this happen to you or your loved ones- take action to secure a positive outcome to a potentially devastating situation, which happens hourly throughout the country.

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