Track your pets on any social networking site

  • por: Ryan Black
  • destinatário: facebook, the humane society, P.E.T.A

Support SmarT-TagS

SmarT-TagS use QR Codes and hashtags to loacate your lost pet on over a dozen social networking sites. They also offer GPS Capture where the code is recorded, and a reporting hotline. THIS IS THE BEST WAY TO BRING LOST PETS HOME EVER! We need your support or many pets will die from being hit by cars or in animal shelters. 

Are you sick of seeing lost pets on social networking sites?  Omega Red Inc. has invinted a collar that can eliminate this problem and bring 99% of animals home safe quickly. The problem is that large animal rights groups, lost pet groups, and even groups like the Humane Society and P.E.T.A will not support thier product. 10% of the sales for SmarT-TagS go to no kill animal shelters, Leave links and names for no kill animals shelters on our Indiegogo page so we can fund them. SmarT-TagS also offers discounts for anyone who adopts from a shelter. Please help us share this to bring as many animals home as possible.

If you would like to order SmarT-TagS or make a small donation please click this link! Even donations of $1 would help enormously!

You can also support us by joining our group on facebook.

You can also support us by following us on Twitter.

Dear, "animal rights activists"

We have been shuned by your administrators, these signatures are proof that this is what the people want. People want to know where they can buy a collar to bring their loving pets home. Your refusal to participate with the causes of other only undemines your own cause and causes animals further sufering. All we ask is that you share our link so that we can let concerned individuals know how to eliminate animal suffering and the emotional suffering of their families.

Ryan Black
Chief Executive Officer
Omega Red Inc.

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