Please ask Futo to promise to ban their cruel dolphin drive hunting!

  • por: Bright Sea
  • destinatário: UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova, Global Network Of National Geoparks


Futo-Shizuoka is located in Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park and Japanese Geoparks. Recently Shizuoka prefecture and Izu self -governing have applied for Global Network Of National Geoparks. 

Futo has not banned the cruel dolphin drive hunting. Althogh the dolphin drive hunting has not taken place since 2005, yet Futo's fishery union is still receiving hunting quotas every year.  

Please ask Shizuoka Prefecture and Izu-peninsula local government to promise to ban their cruel dolphin drive hunting. Please assist Geoparks, and ask Futo to ban the cruel dolphin drive hunt.

Geotourism is an integral part of UNESCO 's Geoparks and is essential to their development. Geotourism adds to ecotourism's principal focus on plants (flora) and animals (fauna) by adding a third dimension of the Abiotic environment. Thus it is growing around the world through the growth of Geoparks as well as natural and Independently in many urban areas where tourism's focus in on the geological environment. Ecotourism development is an important element in the UNESCO-Geoparks. It is very necessary for the conservation of biodiversity, including marine life where cetaceans are an important part of the marine ecosystem. So we urge UNESCO to not allow the dolphin and whale hunting in the Geopark area.

"Bright Sea" is one of a dolphin and whale watching tour company in Japan that supports the development of ecotourism in the Geopark area. It is one part of a branch of ecotourism, which focuses on marine tourism activities, which contain elements of education (to study cetaceans including dolphin / whale in their habitat). We urge UNESCO to establish the Geopark area as a dolphin and whale protection area as part of the marine life that has a vital role in marine ecosystems, in the region of the Geoparks. We urge UNESCO to issue a ban on dolphin hunting in the Geoparks area because it is contrary to the Geoparks principle which has the function of conservation, education and ecotourism.

From the standpoint of conservation, education and ecotourism, there is no justification for the dolphin hunt. Hunting activities would destroy the balance of the marine ecosystem in the Geoparks area, does not contain elements of education and ecotourism and is contrary to the principles of conservation.

 Izumi Ishii (Bright Sea ) - is a former fisherman from the town of Futo in Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture, who has stopped hunting dolphins and is now protecting both dolphins and whales here as the owner of a whale watching business (“Dolphin Whale Center Watching Center”).

Ehemaliger Delfinjäger kämpft gegen Tötungen | Weltbilder | NDR 

EXTRA MINUTES l Ex dolphin hunter speaks out. 

Izumi Ishii homepage:

Demandez aux autorités de Futo de s'engager à interdire les cruelles chasses aux dauphins !  (french)

Futo, située dans la province de Shizuoka, fait partie du parc national de Fuji-Hakone-Izu et figure sur la liste des parcs naturels Japonais. La province de Shizuoka a récemment fait une demande pour intégrer la liste des parcs naturels mondiaux. La chasse aux dauphins est toujours autorisée à Futo et l'union des pêcheurs reçoit ses quotas de chasse chaque année même si plus aucune chasse n' y a été recensée depuis 2005. S'il vous plaît, demandez aux autorités de Futo de s'engager à interdire ces cruelles chasses. Aidez s'il vous plaît les parcs naturels et demandez à Futo de ne plus pratiquer de chasses aux dauphins !

Bitten fragen Sie Futo das Versprechen abzugeben, ihre grausame Delfin-Treibjagd zu verbieten! (german )

Futo-Shizuoka liegt im Fuji-Hakone-Izu Nationalpark und dem japanischen Geo Park. Kürzlich haben sich die Präfektur Shizuoka und Izu -selbst verwaltet- um den Global Geo-Park beworben. Futo hat die grausame Delfin-Treibjagd bisher noch nicht verbieten lassen. Die Delfin-Treibjagd hat seit 2005 nicht stattgefunden, doch die Fischerei-Vereinigung von Futo erhält noch jedes Jahr Jagd-/Fangquoten. Bitten Sie Futo inständig zu versprechen, ihre grausame Delfin-Treibjagd zu verbieten. Bitte unterstützen Sie das Projekt Geo-Park und bitten Sie Futo, die grausame Delphin-Treibjagd zu verbieten. 



(Traditional Chinese for people in HK and Taiwan)

富士箱根伊豆國立公園和日本地質公園位於靜岡富戶。最近靜岡縣伊豆自治政府已申請將富士箱根伊豆國立公園和日本地質公園納入為國家地質公園。雖然如此, 富戶沒有禁止殘酷式的狩獵及獵殺海豚。自2005年以來,富戶自發停止狩獵及獵殺海豚, 但富戶的漁業工會每年仍被獲發配額。請向靜岡縣伊豆半島當地政府提出, 要求靜岡縣伊豆半島當地政府保證及禁止殘酷式的狩獵及獵殺海豚。請協助地質公園,並要求靜岡縣伊豆半島當地政府禁止及取締以驅動形式殘酷追捕及獵殺海豚。

(Simplified Chinese for people in PRC)

富士箱根伊豆国立公园和日本地质公园位于静冈富户。最近静冈县伊豆自治政府已申请将富士箱根伊豆国立公园和日本地质公园纳入为国家地质公园。虽然如此, 户没有禁止残酷式的狩猎及猎杀海豚。自2005年以来,富户自发停止狩猎及猎杀海豚, 但富户的渔业工会每年仍被获发配额。请向静冈县伊豆半岛当地政府提出, 要求静冈县伊豆半岛当地政府保证及禁止残酷式的狩猎及猎杀海豚。请协助地质公园,并要求静冈县伊豆半岛当地政府禁止及取缔以驱动形式残酷追捕及猎杀海豚。

 Por favor solicitar a Futo que prometa prohibir la cruel cacería de Delfines! (spanish)

Futo-Shizuoka esta localizado en el Parque Nacional Fuji-Hakone-Izu y en el Parque japonés Geo. Recientemente la prefectura de Shizuoca y el autogobierno de Izu han hecho solicitud para el Parque Global Geo. Futo no ha prohibido la cruel cacería de Delfines todavía. Esta cacería se lleva a cabo desde 2005, pero la Unión de Pescadores de Futo todavía recibe cuotas de cacería de Delfines cada año. Por favor soliciten a Futo que prometa prohibir esta cruel cacería de Delfines. Por favor apoya a Geo Park, y pide a Futo que esta cruel cacería de Delfines sea abolida.

Izumi Ishii (Mar Brillante) - Soy un ex - pescador del pueblo de Futo en Ciudad Ito, Prefectura de Shizuoka, quien ha detenido las cacerías de delfines y ahora estoy protegiendo Ballenas y Delfines aquí, como dueño de un negocio de Avistamiento de Ballenas (Centro de Avistamiento de Ballenas en el Océano).

Futo-Shizuoka is located in Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park and Japanese Geoparks. Recently Shizuoka prefecture and Izu self -governing have applied for Global Network Of National Geoparks. 

Futo has not banned the cruel dolphin drive hunting. Althogh the dolphin drive hunting has not taken place since 2005, yet Futo's fishery union is still receiving hunting quotas every year.  

Please ask Shizuoka Prefecture and Izu-peninsula local government to promise to ban their cruel dolphin drive hunting. Please assist Geoparks, and ask Futo to ban the cruel dolphin drive hunt.

Geotourism is an integral part of UNESCO 's Geoparks and is essential to their development. Geotourism adds to ecotourism's principal focus on plants (flora) and animals (fauna) by adding a third dimension of the Abiotic environment. Thus it is growing around the world through the growth of Geoparks as well as natural and Independently in many urban areas where tourism's focus in on the geological environment. Ecotourism development is an important element in the UNESCO-Geoparks. It is very necessary for the conservation of biodiversity, including marine life where cetaceans are an important part of the marine ecosystem. So we urge UNESCO to not allow the dolphin and whale hunting in the Geopark area.

"Bright Sea" is one of a dolphin and whale watching tour company in Japan that supports the development of ecotourism in the Geopark area. It is one part of a branch of ecotourism, which focuses on marine tourism activities, which contain elements of education (to study cetaceans including dolphin / whale in their habitat). We urge UNESCO to establish the Geopark area as a dolphin and whale protection area as part of the marine life that has a vital role in marine ecosystems, in the region of the Geoparks. We urge UNESCO to issue a ban on dolphin hunting in the Geoparks area because it is contrary to the Geoparks principle which has the function of conservation, education and ecotourism.

From the standpoint of conservation, education and ecotourism, there is no justification for the dolphin hunt. Hunting activities would destroy the balance of the marine ecosystem in the Geoparks area, does not contain elements of education and ecotourism, and is contrary to the principles of conservation.


Bright Sea 

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