As a premier master planned community LakeRidge was never planned to provide average homes. Furthermore, as the single most profit providing property tax fund in the city, it's inexcusable to even consider the impact that putting single family small homes on Anderson Road towards the value of homes from 350K up to 15M.

There's plenty of other property in Cedar Hill for this developer to build these homes. Lakeridge is not the place. After 30 years of development, why would we drop our standards now?
Atualização #15 anos atrás
Homeowners: The following letter is being formally presented to the P&Z Committee to postpone tonight meeting and request this item also be removed from the City Council Agenda as well. I understand from our POA President that the developers are also requesting postponement to allow us to meet with them on the 28th and focus on the joint efforts that will work best for all parties. I will be in attendance tonight should you like to join me at the P&Z meeting to ensure this is postponed.
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