Support deer sanctuarys sign and Retweet, Share to Support #BILL267 Troopers Law

  • por: Sandra Klein
  • destinatário: Govenor Kasich Ohio and Al Landis Chair Representative

On behalf of Compassionate animal caregivers as well as Trooper's Law, Wheezer, Sugar, Bucky, Baby, Shelden & the countless other TAME deer who have either been threatened or killed by the State of Ohio under Gov. John Kasich and his appointed ODNR,DOW people who have spun tyrannical kill policies, WE NEED YOUR HELP! For the hearing in Columbus for deer sanctuary.

Please SUPPORT HB #267. 
**People will NOT go out and make pets out of deer. On the contrary they will know where to take them. The ODNR's oppressive policy creates circumstances where people end up with pet deer. People will not be coerced to commit animal cruelty!!
**Deer are herbivores and have one row of teeth. They run from trouble, not to it. There are no attack deer unless the deer feels his/or her life is in danger and they are just trying to get away. They are not dangerous, but are one of the world's most peaceful animals. Their teeth are not anywhere near as sharp as the teeth of a puppy or kitten. Male fawns requiring sanctuary can be neutered which means they would not grow antlers or have an interest in mating season.
** AND killing someone's tame deer, harassing caregivers, or prohibiting fawns from receiving medical treatment is WRONG and unconstitutional in more ways than one.
In 2009 the State of Ohio stopped fawn rehab. The reasons given for this by certain entities do not make sense. What many do know is that certain deer farmers felt that they had too many restrictions and that the rehab facilities didn't have those same was this restriction born out of resentment?? If so, what a tragic situation!! Horrible things have happened to fawns, deer and caring people since 2009....for what???
The more they war against the public, the more truth is revealed about the "real" gentle nature of the deer. Even the Bible says that they are filled with "goodness."
Here are the names and phone numbers for the committee members. This handful of people have the power to either dismiss the concerns of thousands of citizens regarding the importance of life or they have the power to support life and compassion! Please kindly ask them for their full support! Thank you.
** Representative Al Landis (Chair) (614) 466-8035
** Rep. Christina Hagan (Vice Chair) (614) 466-9078
** Rep. Sean O'Brien (Ranking Member) (614) 466-3488
Rep. Jack Cera (614) 466-3735
Rep. Cheryl Grossman (614) 466-9690
Rep. David Hall (614) 466-2994
Rep. Stephanie Howse (614) 466-1414
Rep. Brian Hill (614) 644-6014
Rep. David Leland (614) 466-2473
Rep. Ron Maag (614) 644-6023
Rep. Marilyn Slaby (614) 644-5085
Rep. Louis Terhar (614) 466-8258
Rep. Andy Thompson (614) 644-8728

Dear Sirs,

please Support Bill267 Trooper's Law and Support fawn sanctuarys in Ohio. Stop the ODNR killing PET deer's! That is cruel and inhumane! There is Not only Wheezer WHO is in danger. There Are a Lot of orphaned deers, needing help. Not only in Ohio. Overall the USA. Please Support Wildlife sanctuarys in Ohio.  Stop killing innocent deers. They Do Not harm anybody! 



kind Regards,

the deer supporter

 Sandra Klein

Atualização #28 anos atrás
Last Hearing went Not As Well As WE Hoped. Please Support us! Sign up. Wienekes a min. 300.000 Supporter. Save Ohio deers #savewheezer
Atualização #19 anos atrás
Next Hearing is Next Tuesday! Please sign, Share and Retweet. WE Need As much As possible Supporter!
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