Justice for Choppa – Dog killed on Snapchat! Demand DA oppose probation for men who cut dog's throat for kicks

  • por: Susan V
  • destinatário: Morehouse Parish District Attorney, Stephen Tew, Louisiana

In Bastrop, LA, Judge Carl Sharp sentenced Boots Stanley and Steven Sadler to 3 years probation after they plead guilty to felony animal abuse which carries a max of 10 years hard labor and a $25,000 fine in Louisiana. These two men slit a dog's throat four times, laughing while it bled to death and posted it on Snapchat.

Stephen Tew, the District Attorney in Morehouse Parish won't file a motion to reconsider and won't say why. Stanley's father winked at the animal supporters in the courtroom as this soft sentence was read. Judge Carl Sharp just happened to retire the next day. We must demand Tew file a motion to reconsider. We have 30 days for the DA to file.

Atualização #16 anos atrás
The DA admitted that a deal was made in this case preventing him from being able to appeal the judges decision. Your signatures got that truth out. Now we need to target the Governor of Louisiana and let him know we mean business. Please sign and share for Choppa and the other animals that have suffered and died in Louisiana. https://www.thepetitionsite.com/464/292/517/boycott-louisiana-they-think-animal-abuse-is-a-joke/
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