Fire Jared Yuen #4362

SJPD Officer Jared Yuen #4362 incited violence by shouting "shut up bitch" and firing rubber bullets at unarmed protestors on Friday, May 29, 2020. In the videos circulating, you can see Jared Yuen peek around his fellow officer and shoot an unarmed, nonviolent protestor in the chest with a bean bag gun and proceed to rush the crowd. This unlawful incident was captured on camera by multiple sources. See tiny or go to Twitter and look up Jared Yuen. Another video captures him saying "let's get this motherfucker." A third account shows him smirking and licking his lips, eager to stir chaos in the face of peaceful protestors.
Police Chief Eddie Garcia said in a press conference that Jared is a good kid, who made a mistake, who let his emotions get the better of him. Jared Yuen is not a "kid" – he is a 33 year old man who makes $200K in income paid by taxpayers. He also did not make one mistake, as protestors caught at least 3 different videos of him. Police officers are supposedly trained to deescalate situations and properly control their emotions.
We, the taxpayers and American citizens, demand that the San Jose Police Department investigate the numerous citations against Jared Yuen and critically examine his role in erupting peaceful protests into violence. We saw when Derrick Chauvin was pardoned for killing a Native American man in 2006, he came back and killed another man in 2020, George Floyd. We, the people of San Jose, demand the San Jose Police Department to fire Jared Yuen #4362.

Atualização #14 anos atrás
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Next steps: We need to get visibility by filing a complaint with the Independent Police Auditor.
There are five easy ways to file a complaint:
Online Complaint Form:
Phone: (408) 794-6226

Use this template:
Date: May 29, 2020
Location: San Jose City Hall
Complaint: Description of this exact petition

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