Sign the petition to demand justice for Seth Santos Alvarez

Jonathan Thou took Seth to McDonalds, he claimed as he took Seth out of the car Seth got away from him and he was struct by a white ford pick up truck, he says he forgot he had a cell phone and decided to pick him up and drive him to the hopital where he died shortly after. Video surveillance from McDonalds and other surrounding establishments have no recordings of any hit n run or any other type of accident. There was no blood found anywhere in the McDonalds parking lot where Jonathan claims this hit n run happened. No one has come forward saying they witness a hit n run in fact I spoken to three of McDonalds regular customers who are there on a daily basis and they didnt see any any hit n run. Jonathan drives a truck and there was blood found his tires that belonged to Seth. Jonathan chanced his story a couple of times claiming it was due to frustration and panic. For the past eleven months Jonathon claimed that hes innocent that he did not hurt Seth and now out of the blue he has pled no contest, he refuses to give any details as where and how this happened. Prosecutors say they have to go with what they can prove and theres not enough evidence to show any motive or intent so therefore he is being charged with child abuse with great bodily harm. Im sorry but that is rediculous. This man took the life of an innocent 3 yr old little boy and then proceed to make up a story of a hit n run driver, blood was found on the tires of his truck, that belonged to Seth, how is that not enough. Whether or not this was an accident we will never know because Jonathon refuses to give any details. Im no judge or prosecutor and I know very little about how the law works but i strongly believe that the minute Jonathan pick up Seth's little body and lied to the world about what happened, it became murder not child abuse. So please help us find justice for Seth, sign our petition to demand the court to change Thous charges from child abuse to some type of murder charge.

Atualização #19 anos atrás
Thank you for your support my family and I deeply appreicate it. To answer the question many of you asked, Jonathan was not his father he was the mothers boyfriend.
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