The rules under which the BBC operates are set out in an agreement between the BBC and the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport. The current Secretary of State Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP simply suggests any complaints made about the BBC directly to his department should be re-addressed to either to the BBC or OFCOM. The BBCs complaints procedure continues to not be fit for the purpose, in spite of the introduction of OFCOM to the process which has failed to make any inroads to counteract that bias, it is equivalent of a fox looking after a hen house. OFCOM only get involved if you manage to negotiate stages one and two of the BBC complaints system which is vetted by their own editors. I want the BBC to release the Balen report and to examine the disproportionate anti-Israel output from their Middle East news departments in all languages.
Atualização #56 anos atrás
Well everybody, it is now 12 months since I launched this petition, thank you for signing however for whatever reasons, unfortunately only 580 people have signed. The better news is that less than a month ago a new parliamentary petition was launched and has already reached 32,000 signatures producing 6000 signature in the last 24 hours. If you are a UK citizen then please do sign and thank you for your previous support.
Atualização #46 anos atrás
Landmark day, halfway there to our first goal. Thanks for the support, please share and post the petition link on Twitter on FB on Instagram, anywhere
Atualização #36 anos atrás
Firstly I would like to thank everyone who has signed so far, reading the comments I can see that you all share the same values when it comes to the lack of impartiality of the BBC. when this petition reached 300 I sent an email and a copy of this to Mr Hall at the BBC and never did receive a reply, I cannot say that I am happy about that but it just shows the contempt with which they hold the people paying their fat cat salaries. Please please share this petition with your family and friends.
Atualização #26 anos atrás
Well today we finally reached 300 signatures, progress is slow so please share this petition with your family and friends indeed anyone of a like mind. One thing is for sure, the BBC do not get any better especially now that they have re-employed their Hizbollah journalist
Atualização #17 anos atrás
We have reached 100, thank-you for signing the petition, can I ask you to mention to friends and family who share our values? Please share with them by email or social media and ask them to also share, we should not be dictated to by the BBC when it comes to their journalism. They are required by royal charter to show no bias yet they ignore that on a daily basis, please help spread this campaign and thanks again for your support.