Demand Fox News stop inciting violence against judges who rule against Trump!

It's happening again, everyone. As judges across the country do the right thing and put a stop to Trump's unconstitutional and wildly illegal actions, Fox News is back to its old tricks again, painting a target on these judges' backs by putting their names and photographs on live TV for all to see.

They did the same thing to Judge Chutkhan during Trump's porn star hush money trial, leading to death threats and targeted harassment against the judge and his family. Now they're doing the same thing again to judges like Judge James. B. Boasberg, chief judge of D.C.'s US District Court, who recently issued an order to stop Trump's illegal deportation flights.

Tell Fox to respect the rule of law and stop targeting judges!

Our judges are already under enough pressure from Republican politicians and Elon Musk demanding their impeachment for refusing to go along with Trump's fascistic and dictatorial directives.

At this point, we know that threats, harassment, and violence follow whenever Trump and the Republican propaganda network set their sights on a perceived enemy. The rule of law is the foundation of our democracy and our nation's greatness, and we all have a duty to uphold it and protect it. Fox needs to stop targeting our judges NOW.

Demand Fox News stop inciting violence against judges who rule against Trump!

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