Demand the Australian Government Funds a Shelter Program for Pets in Domestic Violence Situations

  • por: Georgina B.
  • destinatário: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Please sign and share the petition to help bring attention to the plight of pets in domestic violence situations around Australia.

Animals welfare organisations across Australia are struggling to find places for pets that need to escape domestic violence situations, according to a report on

Family pets are often one of the weapons a perpetrator of domestic violence uses to prevent victims from leaving - or to make them return home.

Tragically, it can be the lack of pet-friendly accommodation that stops victims from leaving a dangerous and even life threatening situation.

Animal welfare groups in Australia run specific programs to assist families fleeing violence, however, they often struggle to house pets due to the high numbers of people seeking help.

For example, the RSPCA in Adelaide is struggling to find emergency shelter for animals caught up in domestic violence situations.

Life for people living with violence, threats and intimidation is hard enough, escaping should not be made harder because of pets, which can often be a source of solace and comfort for those who have been abused.

Will you join me in demanding the Australia Government takes action to address this issue? We call on the Australian Government to specially fund a shelter program for pets in domestic violence situations.

Please sign and share the petition.

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