Ban Fur farms in Ireland

  • por: Yvonne Mc Carthy
  • destinatário: Simon Coveney. Minister of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Animals on fur farms are reared highly intensively in small cages before being killed at about 6 months old for their fur pelts.

They are very often still conscious when their skins are being ripped from their bodies.

This animals never see the day of light.

Farmed foxes are killed by electrocution. An electrode is placed in their anus and another in their mouth and they are killed by an electric current passing through them. Compassion in World Farming - Ireland is totally opposed to the use of electrocution to kill animals.

The pelts are exported for sale on the international fur markets, to be used mainly by the fashion industry. Fur farming is legal in the Republic of Ireland but prohibited in Northern Ireland.

Dear Simon Coveney,

People from all around the world give us support and agree that this animal farming in the name of fashion is cruel and long outdated.

Irish people want to be part of an evolved and compassionate society. It is not ok to keep those being in hell in order to mantain a few miserable jobs.

We call you to ban irish fur farms once and for all.


Yvonne Mc Carthy and another 17,000 people

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