Stop Killing stray dogs in Tunisia

  • por: Yosr S
  • destinatário: Youssef Chahed (Tunisia Prime Minister) PETA

To stop the stray dogs Cull in Tunisia and opt for a spay / neuter programs

As a human being and a Tunisian citizen I can never understand nor accept the mistreatment of the animals and especially stray dogs they either suffer from being mistreated and beaten by people or they get shot by the municipality officers ! So in either way they are suffering and this is def not acceptable nor right so we tried to manifest and stop this nonsense but no one listened to us but instead some ppl ignored us or laughed at us as for our government oh well they kept killing them using awful reasons such as they are attacking people and biting kids or they are scaring people and right the ugliest excuse ever they might get or have Rabies which is dangerous on us humans !!!! It's so frustrating and horrendous!! So it's about time to speak louder and make a difference and make them stop killing stray dogs! 
There are other ways to stop the increase of number of stray dogs and live with them in happiness ( I mean look in Turkey they did spay and neuter the stray dogs and with vaccines they are living great together ) we can make a collect and the government can make a budget to spay and neuter all the stray dogs and cats too in every state! Yesss it might take time, it might need lots of money but at least we will stop waking up on the sound of bullets and dead dog bodies everywhere ! It's frustrating and devastating to hear, see and even to think about! Animals life matters , they deserve to live and deserve to be loved!! It's time to make it happen and it's time that the Tunisian gvt stops this massacre RIGHT NOW!! 
Our furbabies needs us now, they can't speak nor defend themselves so we must be their voices! We must let them hear us and understand that what they are doing is WRONG and unacceptable!! 
Let's us be their voices and end it once for all! Help us help them

Atualização #18 anos atrás
Tonight they started a new campaign to kill stray dogs (this cruel campaign will last 6 days) plz sign and share let the world know abt this barbaric act committed by the Tunisian gvt!! Plz we need your help! Help us stop this horrible crime HEEEEEEEEEELP our babies need your help
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