Greenbrier County has the bad fortune to have an Animal Control Officer who hates dogs, is afraid of dogs, and is killing God's precious creatures.  I have had numerous calls about him abusing his power, killing people's precious pets for no other reason than he is afraid.  He does not give anyone a chance to save their pets from his abuse!  Numerous complaints have been filed against this arrogant and abusive man, and still he remains in his position.  We have to get him dismissed, and get a person in his place who tries to help people and their beloved pets.  He thinks he is above the law; he thinks that he is the law!  He is a disgrace to Greenbrier County, and the State of West Virginia.  Please sign this petition and help us remove him before it is too late! 

Greenbrier County has the bad fortune to have an Animal Control Officer who hates dogs, is afraid of dogs, and is killing God's precious creatures.  I have had numerous calls about him abusing his power, killing people's precious pets for no other reason than he is afraid.  He does not give anyone a chance to save their pets from his abuse!  Numerous complaints have been filed against this arrogant and abusive man, and still he remains in his position.  We have to get him dismissed, and get a person in his place who tries to help people and their beloved pets.  He thinks he is above the law; he thinks that he is the law!  He is a disgrace to Greenbrier County, and the State of West Virginia.  Please sign this petition and help us remove him before it is too late! 

Atualização #110 anos atrás
Please sign and share! This is so important, and will save lives!
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