Don't Let Trump Get Away With Opening More Wildlife Refuge Land To Hunting And Fishing!

  • por: Eric Rardin
  • destinatário: Senator Bernie Sanders

The Trump administration plans to open up 2.3 million acres of land for hunting and fishing at more than 100 national wildlife refuges and fish hatcheries.

Add your name if you want to stop them, before it's too late!

"The Trump administration plans to open 2.3 million acres of land for hunting and fishing at more than 100 national wildlife refuges and fish hatcheries under a proposal unveiled Wednesday that is aimed at giving Americans more recreational access on public lands.

"The plan earned applause from several hunting and fishing groups, but criticism from one conservation organization that called it "tone deaf" to focus on this during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The proposal would allow fishing for the first time at several national wildlife refuges, including San Diego Bay in California, Alamosa in Colorado, Bombay Hook in Delaware and Umbagog in Maine and New Hampshire and Everglades Headwaters in Florida, according to a list posted online," according to ABC News.

Tens of thousands of Americans are dying from the coronavirus, and THIS is what they want to do?!

"Instead of responding to pleas by state and local officials for needed agency resources, assistance, and help during this generational pandemic, Secretary Bernhardt made a tone-deaf announcement that by no means could ever make up for the hunting opportunities and wildlife lost as a result of Trump's deregulatory agenda decimating our public lands and environmental protections," said Western Values Project director Jayson O'Neill.

You can easily see what they're doing.

They're trying to fly this one under the radar.

Are you going to let them get away with it?

We have 60 days to comment on the proposal.

But a handful of people aren't going to make much of a difference.

We need someone who can reach out to the entire American public and shut down this horrible plan, while we still can.

And that someone is Bernie Sanders.

Senator Bernie Sanders has been a long-term advocate for animal rights, and has co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to protect endangered species, as well as to combat animal cruelty.

That's why we're asking him to use his position in the public eye, now that he stepped back from his campaign, to highlight how Trump and his administration are using the pandemic tragedy as an opportunity to sneak their corrupt plans into place.

Don't you want to save America's wildlife refuges?

Then add your name to ask Senator Sanders to shine the spotlight on this terrible plot!

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