URGENT: Stop Killing Us, Longmont! Enforce Your Own Laws and Relocate Our Colony!

The City of Longmont, Colorado has a municipal code in place stating: "Before the commencement of construction on the development site, any black-tailed prairie dogs inhabiting portions of the site that shall be disturbed shall be relocated according to a relocation plan approved by the city." This code has never been enforced, and in fact there has never been any relocation from development sites in Longmont for at least 20 years – yet hundreds of colonies have been exterminated for one development after another.

Currently, there is a prairie dog colony in harms way of a development called the "Great Western Flex Building Site" and the City of Longmont along with the developers, Sun Construction, are fast tracking this project in order to build a warehouse for an educational business called Creative Learning Systems.

This is bad news for the prairie dog colony living there! Both the City of Longmont and Sun Construction are in a big hurry to kill the prairie dogs so they can begin building their warehouse. The City of Longmont could approve the annihilation of this colony in as little as 3 weeks! We need immediate action to defend these prairie dogs!

Prairie Protection Colorado (PPC) has attempted to work with the City in securing a relocation site and getting the prairie dogs moved out of harms way. In fact, PPC has a promising lead on a relocation site for the Fall of 2017 and has even offered a solution for this rushed project by suggesting a passive relocation until the receiving site is secured. Sun Construction has suggested that our non-profit organization pay for over 80% of the costs of relocation and have also indicated that they prefer killing over saving this colony of prairie dogs because it is cheaper to gas the prairie dogs to death. The City so far has remained silent regarding our insistence on saving this colony and the city staff is currently in the process of helping the developers prove they made a "good faith effort" to relocate this colony so they can approve an extermination.

Please sign our petition and help us demand that this colony of prairie dogs is relocated and that the City of Longmont enforces their municipal code for the first time in the history of the code's existence. We can not stand by as the last of our wildlife is exterminated for the profit of multi-million dollar projects. The least the developers and the city can do is ensure that the sentient beings they are displacing have a new chance to exist on the prairies.

For the Prairie Dogs!

Atualização #17 anos atrás
Time is ticking for the Great Western Flex prairie dogs! Help share the petition to save them now! If you are local, please attend the Tues, June 27th, Longmont City Council meeting at the Civic Center, 350 Kimbark Street at 7pm and attend the Sat, July 11th protest at the colony, 1600 Ironhorse Drive off of 3rd Avenue and Ken Pratt.

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