The Elephant species is in danger of becoming extinct in just a few years because of poaching in Africa by organized crime syndicates using automatic weapons, helicopters and night vision goggles. 90% of Central Africa’s elephants have already been killed and all other populations across Africa are under serious threat. Illegal ivory seizures in China from 1989-2011 equals the death of thousands of elephants. Now one elephant is killed every 15 minutes, 96 per day, over 30,000 last year.
Other top Asian countries caught with illegal seizures are: Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam, Phillipines, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and India.
The top 10 Ivory Market Countries are: 1. China 2. U.S.A. 3. Thailand 4. Eqypt 5. Germany 6. Nigeria 7. Zimbabwe 8. Sudan 9. Ethiopia 10. Japan
In order to fight the wealthy organized crime syndicates providing illegal ivory to the above markets, all Government Officials where these markets exist need to immediately step up to the challenge to save the elephant species by funding effective field work on the ground in all affected areas across Africa.
Please sign this petition and contact your Ambassadors to demand your government officials take action now to fund effective field work to save and protect African elephants. Demand the sale of ivory is permanently banned worldwide.
Thank you.
Dear Ivory Market Government Heads of State & CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) : 1. President of the People’s Republic of China: Xi Jinping 2. President of The United States: President Obama 3. King of Thailand: Bhumibol Adulyadej & Prime Minister: Yingluck Shinawatra 4. Egypt: Chief Justice Adly Mansour 5. Germany: Chief: President Joachim Gauck & Head: Chancellor Angela Merkel 6. Nigeria: President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan 7. Zimbabwe: President Robert Mugabe 8. Sudan: President Omar al-Bashir 9. Ethiopia: President Mulatu Teshome Wirtu 10. Japan: Emperor Shinzō Abe
The African Elephant species is in danger of becoming extinct in just a few years due to poaching by organized crime syndicates using automatic weapons, helicopters and night vision goggles wiping out entire herds for ivory. The illegal ivory poached from elephants is trafficked directly to your countries for consumption in the form of jewelry and other needless trinkets made directly by killing an elephant. One elephant is killed every 15 minutes, 96 per day, over 37,000 last year. 90% of Central Africa’s elephants have already been killed and all other populations across Africa are under serious threat.
Illegal ivory seizures in China alone from 1989-2011 equals the death of thousands of elephants. Hundreds of Wildlife Rangers are not only out-gunned by these ruthless criminals but are killed every year trying to protect elephants. Other locals are terrorized and their economies are devasted by the slaughter.
Funding effective anti-poaching and anti-trafficking field work on the front line in Africa’s affected areas is critical to saving the African elephant from extinction. It is NOW or it’s OVER for the world’s most iconic species.
The International Community DEMANDS your governments take immediate action now to fund all effective field projects needed to save this species and protect locals living in danger.
It is imperative your governments demonstrate the political will to permanently BAN ivory sales in your country and WORLDWIDE immediately: This is the clear mandate by people worldwide.
Thank you,
Judy Brey,
A Concerned Member of the International Community less
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