Whole Foods! We want the REAL thing and not some budget 365!!!!

We want the powers-that-be at Whole Foods Corporate to know that the residents in the area of 2520 Glendale Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90039 do not want a budget 365 store. We believe the corporation has largely mis-identified the demographic of the surrounding neighborhood as a fiscally concerned youth base. This is wholly wrong. The neighborhood is actually comprised almost exclusively of financially secure people in their mid 30s and above and many accomplished professionals with young families. The average property tax and median rent will prove this point. People in this neighborhood are desperate for a local high end market with the best quality foods, which are often not the 365 brand. And the residents of this neighborhood can afford this. There is already a Trader Joe's just over a mile away so there is no need for another discount brand in such close proximity. Most of us already shop at Gelson's or we drive to Glendale's Whole Foods (or utilize delivery service Apps) because access to a variety of quality products is the most important factor to us in deciding where we shop. 

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