Protect Calgary's Critical Wetlands

In the Southwest region of Calgary, as you drive out of the city, you will encounter a beautiful green space, one that is home to birds, frogs and beavers and provides a wildlife corridor to countless other animals. Now, the City of Calgary plans to expand their highway system in a way that would destroy this area, including 24 critical wetlands.

These beautiful wetlands also provide essential flood mitigation for Calgary, retaining extra water that falls and allowing it to percolate down in a timely manner. Covering wetlands with concrete will only add to the threat of flooding, something that is still a visceral memory, from 2013, for many Calgarians.

The solution is simple: create an open-span bridge to connect the two highways in question and ensure that water is still able to flow underneath. This would allow the wildlife corridor to remain in tact, the wetlands to be preserved and ensure the ecological benefits of the areas were protected.

Concerned citizens in Calgary have already been working tirelessly to fight against this project and so far, they have stopped construction. With your added voice, we can mount pressure enough to change the city's plans and protect vital wilderness.

Sign today to protect critical wetlands in Calgary. By signing today you are standing not only with the local community but giving a voice to countless creatures that rely on this area for their home.
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