A Fairfield Warde High School student posted a racist comment on social media against a fellow black student. The post read, "why is this N*##*% in my class? why is he not in chains?" The student's mother reported this incident to the school's principal and administration, but the school treated this incident lightly. The offending student was only given a 1-week suspension.

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) shouldn't have to encounter this type of racist harassment from other students in a predominantly white institution. Fairfield Warde High School should take racism seriously, and the student who posted the racist comment should be expelled immediately.

What happened in Fairfield Warde High School illustrates why public schools should incorporate education in diversity and interpersonal relations in their curriculum to avoid further racist incidents.

Please sign this petition to tell Fairfield Warde High School to expel the racist bully.

Atualização #23 anos atrás
Thank you so much everyone for signing the petition. We've just been informed that Fairfield Warde decided to expel the student who made the post. This would not have been possible without all of your help. So, thank you. Thank you for choosing accountability and thank you for showing the Medor family that Fairfield County cares.
Atualização #13 anos atrás
Good evening everyone I want to thank you all for supporting this petition. Your support means a lot. I'd also like to inform you all that the petition will be scheduled for delivery at Fairfield Warde High School next Monday on the 17th.

Signers are welcomed to join in on the delivery. More updates on the time of the delivery will be provided shortly. Again, thank you all so much for your support.
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