Don't Air Show About Teen Who Hunts Endangered Animals!

  • por: Annie B.
  • destinatário: Comcast, DirecTV, DISH Network

19-year-old Kendall Jones has a disturbing hobby -- killing big game, namely endangered animals, for sport. She showcases it all on her Facebook page and has a show lined up to air on Sportsman Channel in 2015.

Please sign this petition to tell Comcast, DirecTV, and DISH Network to refuse to air Kendall's show. Glorifying hunting endangered animals will only serve to hurt conservation efforts and perhaps even inspire copycats.

Kendall's Facebook page shows her smiling happily next to her kills --  lions, tigers, buffalos, leopards, rhinos, and even the threatened white rhino (which is endangered, with a population of just 20,000 remaining).

Please sign the petition to show our broadcast providers like Comcast, DirecTV, and DISH Network that consumers are not interested in content glorifying hunting endangered animals.

Atualização #110 anos atrás
UPDATE: After widespread protest, Facebook has removed photos of Kendall posing with her "trophy" kills. Let's keep up the momentum and urge cable networks to act, too!
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