During an explosive hearing at which Michael Cohen agreed to voluntarily answer questions for Congress ahead of his sentencing, the president's former lawyer unloaded in a way this country has never seen before. Cohen claimed that Trump committed other "illegal" acts that remain under investigation, suggested that he would not facilitate a peaceful transfer of power, and gave evidence that linked the infamous hush money payments directly to Trump.
The hearing presented a side of Cohen that the public had not seen before. He offered honest, straightforward, corroborated testimony. He did not bloviate or deflect. He was not there to protect anyone. He was there to tell the truth.
That made the fact that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) spent the entire time attempting to discredit him all the more unacceptable. Jordan tried constantly to cast doubt on every word Cohen said by virtue of him having lied before — but as was made clear, Cohen lied at the direction of Trump. Every attack Jordan launched at Cohen, then, should also be aimed at Trump.
While Jordan might not see the irony in blindly and desperately defending Trump by berating a man who had himself been blindly and desperately defending Trump, the rest of the nation does. Of course, the alternative is that he realizes this and doesn't care, which makes Jordan a grave threat to our democracy. And Congress must call him out for his abysmal behavior.