Ban the sale and use (other than municipal-sponsored firework events):
1. Disruptive to wildlife and household pets.
2. They are unsafe: Every year, numerous counts of people are injured and/or homes are destroyed as a result from the sparks and debris of fireworks.
3. Litter, they leave behind the trash from the fireworks.
4. Noise: Unfortunately people don't just light off fireworks on New Years or the Fourth. They light them off days before and after these holidays and often into the early hours of the morning when children are sleeping (and adults who have to work).
5. Pollution and health risks from the shower of toxic chemicals (aluminum, antimony sulphide, copper, etc.)
6. They are irresponisble and most are under the influence of alcohol during the use of fireworks.
7. There is no noise ordinance in South Carolina (meaning there is no cut off time that is required to stop firing them. They can do it 24 hours if they like) Unless an Officer of the Law deems it disturbing.