Murder charges for psychotic killer Jacob Ryan

    Please sign the petition and help contacting the authorities ( I'll add them)
    Once again ...a psychotic juvenile killed a dog by hanging him🤬🤬🤬

    The dog was a poor innocent stray who was desperately searching for food,love and a home 💔💔💔

    Unfortunately he did this with this ice-cold murderer and future serial killer Jacob Ryan🤬🤬🤬🤬

    It's also being said that his grandmother told him: just kill him,he's probably sick anyway😡😡( whether it's true or not)

    He proudly uploaded the gruesome photo with him laughing and saying:
    Hanging with my dog

    He needs to be in prison forever!
    The judges and politicians need to finally understand that a bunch of serial killers get raised and that their age doesn't matter..I fact it does young and so cruel...just imagine what they will do lateron‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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