Make Video Taping Mentel Health Evaluations Mandatory

    If you all want to support something that effects you all. I have an open case that is going to change how fraudulent mental health evaluations are to be transparent and accurate so you are not getting framed like I did.

    Court and Mental Health Hospital evaluators refuse to be video taped because they are tyrants just like the tyrant cops who do not want to wear badge cams.

     I have a medical history that does not fit my charactor, I have never nor do I now take psychological medication.

    Without any indication of Delusion, scitzephrena or bipolar disorder I was reported to possibly have them because NO ONE WANTED TO INVESTIGATE WHAT I HAD TO SAY ABOUT THE LOCAL JUDGES AND COPS OF HAVERHILL MASSACHUSETTS 01832

     So when I gave the local internal affairs officer a bear trap of truth she failed and lied about a 3 day weekend that never should have happened and additional events while incustody there that broke the cops contracts to recieve their badges and guns.

    I forced a TROJAN HORSE into the court system to uncover corruption.

    This google drive link gives you my current Motion, Memorandum and Affidavit of Truth for my next court date on March 10th 2025.

     This is why a 34 yr old movie named Terminator 2 puts todays evaluations to shame and allows people to be framed like I was.

     ENJOY :D
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