Keep Melanie Boynes' FWC Class 1 Wildlife issued from being revoked

  • por: Melanie Boynes
  • destinatário: Maj. Ron Cave of FWC (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commisssion)
From: MelanieFirst Name Boynes []
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 9:39 AM
To: Cave, Ron

December 1, 2014

Maj. Cave,

In March 2012 with the help of the community and other animal people the sanctuary was established. I am the president of the sanctuary. The sanctuary is still active and so is my bond.

With a license I can interact with my cats which I raised from birth. This will allow better handling and safety in keeping them healthy. Since the cats have been in Okeechobee I have been traveling back and forth to care for them and twenty three others. I need my license for professional reasons and Sue Pearce of Animal Adventures ’piece of mind.

I am a teacher in Palm Beach County and make my students aware of how each and every person can make a difference in protecting the native (and non-native) animals and the waters and the land. My license is important so they know I am certified to care for these animals just like I have a license to teach.

I would like the license your office issued to me on November 14, 2014 to remain active. I meet all the requirements needed to hold a License to Possess Class I Wildlife according to you and your staff.


Melanie Boynes
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