End the Cruelty of Foie Gras Cuisine in the United States

Imagine being locked up in a cage with no room to stretch your arms or legs and forced to stand all the time. A tube is being forced down your throat, feeding food into your stomach until you feel like you're going to burst. Then, you're eventually slaughtered brutally and you're unnaturally, oversized liver is being served as an expensive cuisine in expensive restaurants. That's exactly what ducks and geese are going through every day.

Foie Gras is a popular French cuisine that includes duck or goose liver that is oversized and fattened due to force-feeding. This practice has been done for thousands of years since the year 2500 BC. Many countries have banned this culinary practice due to its cruel procedure, but the United States continues to do this. This needs to stop. No animal needs to go through cruel, torturous, and unusual procedures just to be served on a plate and satisfy our taste buds. Sign this petition to ban Foie Gras in the United States and end the suffering of many ducks and geese.

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