We have got to do something to stop the killing of animals in the Middle East. Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get them to stop promoting the killing of animals just to get their body parts and skins for monetary gain. The Chimp and Cheetah Industry is continually on the rise and it is very disturbing that these people put profits ahead of the health and welfare of our beautiful nature and their inhabitants. Lets ban together and be a voice for these animals that so often fall prey to these money hungry individuals.
It is sad to realize that these exotic animals were smuggled illegally as young cubs and suffer a staggering mortality rate during transit before they arrive in places like Dubai. Across the globe and the United States, people smuggle and breed exotic wildlife from birds to primates for the pet trade, many parts of which operate in the shadows. People continue to gain billions of dollars annually by illegally trading animals which is devastating to wildlife populations. The methods of killing the animals causes them tremendous suffering for illegal monetary gain.
Keeping wild and exotic animals as pets is harmful to the environment, pet owners and the animals themselves. A spokesperson for the Humane Society states that “Our position is that people should stick to traditional domestic animals as pets.” People are not educated enough to care for the non-traditional animals and most do not survive well in captivity.
When it comes to the cheetah, their numbers in the wild have dwindled, especially in East Africa, where there is a thriving black market for live animals. About 2,500 cheetahs are known to live in East Africa, which includes Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. These animals, taken from their mother as young cubs, suffer a mortality rate of 70 percent. In captivity, the cheetah lives to about two years of age whereas in the natural habitat, they can live a healthy 12 years of age.
When it comes to primates like chimps, they are separated from their mothers when very young and often kept is tiny breeding cages, abusively cared for. Animal welfare groups, such as the Humane Society and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, have been pushing for stricter laws governing the sale and breeding of exotic animals.
Too many humans around the world are in awe as to the varying groups of animals, thinking that it is acceptable to "adopt" them for exhibit to others interested in the unusual species of our universe such as the 67 giant African snails that were seized at the Los Angeles International Airport. These snails can grow up to eight inches long and live up to 10 years, are classified as a “damaging species” by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. They eat more than 500 kinds of plants and could wreak havoc if released into the North American environment.
Another man tried to import 40,000 piranhas from Hong Kong which could have been devastating if these fish, armed with razor teeth, could be accidentally released into the wild, causing a real horror situation. In their native habitat, swarms of these fish have been known to attack people and, in a few cases, kill.
A Burmese python snake named Gypsy slithered out of its cage, easily bypassed a quilt pinned over its home, and found a two-year-old toddler sleeping in her crib. Then the snake coiled around the child and squeezed her to death. The next morning, the cold body of the girl was found with bite marks all over her and the snake still wrapped around her head in a lethal embrace.
Despite whether they have been reared by humans from very young, big cats, bears, primates, and snakes are still and always will be wild animals and pose a danger to humans.
Not only are exotic, wild animals a danger to humans, they also carry parasites, viruses and bacteria. So much of the animal trading business revolves around the Middle East and their big cheetah and chimp industry. We have got to do something to stop the killing of animals in the Middle East. Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get them to stop promoting the killing of animals just to get their body parts and skins for monetary gain. The Chimp and Cheetah Industry is continually on the rise and it is very disturbing that these people put profits ahead of the health and welfare of our beautiful nature and their inhabitants. Lets ban together and be a voice for these animals that so often fall prey to these money hungry individuals.
Government Officials of the Middle East - Stop the illegal trading and selling of wild and exotic animals. There are other methods to generate an income rather than at the expense of killing wild and exotic animals for their skins and body parts or to sell the animals themselves in illegal trading . Stop exploiting these animals like the cheetah and chimps, putting their very existence in peril. Because of your selfish acts in the pet cheetah and chimp industry, these animals are clearly in danger of extinction. Leave the wild and exotic animal population alone!
Government Officials of the Middle East - Stop the illegal trading and selling of wild and exotic animals. There are other methods to generate an income rather than at the expense of killing wild and exotic animals for their skins and body parts or to sell the animals themselves in illegal trading . Stop exploiting these animals like the cheetah and chimps, putting their very existence in peril. Because of your selfish acts in the pet cheetah and chimp industry, these animals are clearly in danger of extinction. Leave the wild and exotic animal population alone!
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