Help Mentally Ill So They Don't Become Homeless

State governments across the United States are slashing funding for services for the mentally ill. The unsurprising result is more mentally ill people without homes. They are left to fend for themselves though they often are not capable of caring for themselves.

Supported housing programs are the ideal solution. They provide housing, medical treatment, and other services to people with mental health problems. But states aren't paying for them.

States spend more money on this population than they have to. Supported housing costs less than the prisons, shelters, and emergency rooms that the homeless mentally ill must resort to.

Dedicating adequate funding to supported housing programs is a win for the state coffers as well as the mentally ill residents of our state who need our help. 

Dear Governor,

A disproportionate number of the homeless have mental illnesses. They often are not capable of caring for themselves and need our help.

Supported housing programs are the ideal solution. They provide housing, medical treatment, and other services to people with mental health problems. They are also more cost-effective than the alternative.

Supported housing costs less than the prisons, shelters, and emergency rooms that the homeless mentally ill resort to in its absence.

Dedicating adequate funding to supported housing programs is a win for the state coffers as well as the mentally ill residents of our state who need our help. 


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