You see it in the news almost daily. Horrible persons doing terrible things to innocent animals . The abuse runs the gamut . Being endured by silent eyes and broken hearts, there confidence and faith in humanity shattered. Those responsible must be held accountable ! We must speak out against this terrible injustice. If you feel that innocent animals have the right to a pain free life away from abusers, that the laws in NYS are too lax and should be increased for these heinous crimes to creatures that did nothing else but to cross paths with the real animals. I request that you sign and share this petition, so it may be submitted to the state legislature to be acted upon accordingly. the voice to the voiceless....thank you.
The undersigned of the world demand a higher accountability of this legislative body to strengthen existing animal abuse laws...Helpless anilmals yearn for your help! These laws in our eyes, are weak and a non- deterrent to the harm and well being of our animals. We collectively and humbly ask that this body replace existing NYS animal abuse laws with harsher and longer sentances for these convicted abusers. It is a fact that animal abusers very often graduate to harming people eventually. Please let your conscience guide you and give a voice to the voiceless. Thank you .
Atualização #39 anos atrás
Still need the animal rights and every day animal protectors to please sign...need at least 1000 sigs to be taken seriously by legislature...thank you.
Atualização #29 anos atrás
Attention Animal Lovers; This petition still needs 193 sigs to meet minimum requirement to be taken seriously by NYS Legislature! Please help ...share to everyone u can. Thank you.
Atualização #19 anos atrás
Thank you for signing petition to strengthen animal abuse laws in NY,USA . Petition seeing good action still way to go though...plz keep sharing! Thanks.