Stop Tiger Abuse in Thailand Temple!

Shocking photos and video footage show tourists at Tiger Temple in western Thailand teasing tigers with bait tied to the ends of sticks while the animals snarl and lunge at them. There is no barrier between the humans and the tigers, and conservationists worry that humans are putting their lives in danger.

Wildlife biologist Sybelle Foxcroft, who worked at the temple for years as part of an undercover investigation, is convinced that the animals are drugged. Foxcroft observed, "Their eyes were dilated in bright sunlight, they were listless, tongues hanging limply, and you could basically do anything to them and they wouldn't react for about two-three hours." The tigers are kept in concrete cells most of the time and are fed a near-vegetarian diet that causes bowed legs and arched spines, and leaves them vulnerable to disease.

There is no reason for this cruelty to continue. Please urge Thailand Authorities to end the abuse at Tiger Temple.

Dear Thailand Authorities,

We are concerned with the ongoing abuse of 115 tigers at Tiger Temple in western Thailand. We believe that this abuse threatens not only tigers, but tourists who pay to participate in "tiger teasing."

Shocking photos and video footage show tourists at the Temple teasing tigers with bait tied to the ends of sticks while the animals snarl and lunge at them. There is no barrier between the humans and the tigers, and the humans are obviously putting their lives in danger.

Wildlife biologist Sybelle Foxcroft, who worked at the temple for years as part of an undercover investigation, is convinced that the animals are drugged. Foxcroft observed, "Their eyes were dilated in bright sunlight, they were listless, tongues hanging limply, and you could basically do anything to them and they wouldn't react for about two-three hours." The tigers are kept in concrete cells most of the time and are fed a near-vegetarian diet that causes bowed legs and arched spines, and leaves them vulnerable to disease.

There is no reason for this cruelty to continue. We respectfully urge you to step in and stop the abuse at Tiger Temple. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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