Stop the Corrupt Family Law Court of Ontario

We the undersigned seek immediate action to be taken,1. To Stop the Corruption in the Family Courts of Ontario. 2. To Stop the Discrimination and Bias in the Ontario Family Courts. 3. To diligently prosecute perjury, fraud and false allegations of abuse by Lawyers and all other parties. 4. To allow access to justice without delay. 5. To make enforcement of orders without delay. 6. Change the Family Law Act of Ontario to be fair and equal and in the true best interest of the children. 7. To include Hostile Aggressive Parenting and Parental Alienation as recognized forms of Child Abuse in the Family Law Act   



We the undersigned seek immediate action to be taken,

1. To Stop the Corruption in the Family Courts of Ontario.

2. To Stop the Discrimination and Bias in the Ontario Family Courts.

3. To diligently prosecute perjury, fraud and false allegations of abuse by Lawyers and all other parties.

 4. To allow access to justice without delay.

5. To make enforcement of orders without delay.

6. Change the Family Law Act of Ontario to be fair and equal and in the true best interest of the children.

7. To include Hostile Aggressive Parenting and Parental Alienation as recognized forms of Child Abuse in the Family Law Act   

At one of the most stressful periods of their lives, separating couples are driven to the poorhouse by a family law system that fails to deliver workable solutions while their children are often hurt by a system that doesn%u2019t take their opinions into account, a report by the Law Commission of Ontario says.

In one of the most in-depth looks at what ails family law in many years, the report indicts the system for draining parents%u2019 bank accounts, ignoring expert advice in favour of simplistic solutions and leaving children out of the process.

While battling an ex-partner in court can be costly %u2013 cases that go to trial can ding the participants for well over $100,000- stop overly litigious spouses from wearing down an ex-partner through %u201Clegal bullying.%u201D

But what happens when, in order to meet those obligations, the person%u2019s standard of living suffers greatly? What happens when failing to meet those obligations results in not only punitive family law measures, but the degradation of the individual who is suffering to make ends meet? Single parent%u2019s (in most cases fathers) lose more than the stereotypical house, car and bank account.

They lose their families, their confidence, and in some cases, even their means of making a living. What's more, any success they have is garnished without prejudice.

a large part of what perpetuates it is a social justice system that assumes fathers as providers, breadwinners and supporters, without needing support themselves.


1. The Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is a disorder that arises primarily in the context of child-custody disputes. 

2. Its primary manifestation is the child's campaign of denigration against a parent, a campaign that has no justification. 

3. It results from the combination of a programming (brainwashing) of a parent's indoctrinations and the child's own contributions to the vilification of the targeted parent.

Excerpted from: Gardner, R.A. (1998). The Parental Alienation Syndrome, Second Edition, Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics, Inc.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter,




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