Pets possibly being poisoned in Grayson, KY

  • por: Tammy LeMaster
  • destinatário: Grayson Police Chief Kevin McDavid

3 pets were allegedly poisoned, a Great Dane, Bently, a yellow lab named Laddie and a cat named Fluffy, all of which died.
These animals were forced to suffer which resulted in death.
Urge the Grayson Police Department to find this individual/individuals so they can be prosecuted to the fullest extent.

To:    Chief of Police Kevin McDavid

The alleged actions of the individual or individuals are deeply disturbing.

These poor animals were forced to suffer tremendously with the blatant disregard for another living being.

Please help find this person/persons for the inhumane way which was forced upon these aniamls to suffer through.

Animal abuse have become increasingly common.

Advanancements in technology ensure news of such events reach a wide audience, giving us an opportunity to voice an opinion and end this epidemic of animal abuse.

It is within your power to ensure this individual/individuals are caught and understand the severity of their actions.

The public must know that abuse of this nature will have consequences.

I urge you to do everything in your power to find this person/persons so they can be peosecuted to the fullest extent.

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